'Does unrhyw bleser yn y byd

(Hiraeth am Dduw)
'Does unrhyw bleser yn y byd
Trafferthus a all lanw 'mryd,
  Dim ond cael edrych
      ar Dy wedd:
Fy nymuniadau oll yn un
Derfynant ynot Ti Dy Hun,
  Fy holl ddigrifwch a fy hedd.

Mi dòra'r c'lymau oll i gyd
Sydd rhyngwyf a gwrthrychau'r byd,
  A phob cariadau gwâg y llawr;
Gadawaf enwau
    brawd a ffrynd,
A châr a phriod anwyl, fyn'd
  Yn ddim er mwyn Dy enw mawr.

O! rhwyga'r cwmwl dudew sy
Yn cuddio gwedd Dy wyneb cu,
  Yr hwn yn llanw'r nefoedd sydd;
Pelydrau pur Dy ddwyfol wedd 
Oleuant gonglau t'w'lla'r bedd,
  Gan droi y nôs yn berffaith ddydd.

Pan 'drychwy' i'r dwyrain, neu i'r de,
'D oes neb yn anwyl fel Efe;
  Mae'n llanw f'ysbryd oll o'r bron;
Dioddefaf golled o bob rhyw
Yn mhresenoldeb pur fy Nuw,
  A holl gystuddiau'r ddaear hon.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [888D]:
  Anniversary (<1835)
Gweddi Luther (Geistliche Lieder 1539)
Hwyrfryn (<1897)
Nazareth (<1869)
Rhosyn Saron (<1876)

  A raid i gystudd garw'r groes
  Rhwyga'r tew gymylau duon

(Longing for God)
There is no pleasure in the troublesome
World that can flood my mind,
  Nothing but getting to look
      upon thy countenance:
All my desires as one
End in thee thyself,
  All my delight and my peace.

I shall cut all the knots altogether
That are between me and
    the objects of the world,
  And all empty loves of the earth below;
I shall let the names
    of brother and friend,
And lover and dear spouse, go
To nothing for the sake of thy great name.

O rend the thick black cloud that is
Hiding the countenance of thy dear face,
  That which is flooding the heavens;
The pure rays of thy divine countenance
Lighten the darkest corners of the grave,
  By turning the night into perfect day.

When I look to the east, or to the south,
There is no-one dear like he;
  He floods my all my spirit completely;
I shall suffer loss of every kind
In the pure presence of my God,
  And all the afflictions of this earth.
2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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